Should you file for metaverse trademark registrations?

Filing for Metaverse trademark registrations can be a smart strategy for businesses or individuals planning to protect their brand in virtual environments. Whether or not you should file depends on several factors:

Reasons to Consider Filing:

  1. Brand Protection in Virtual Worlds:
    • As the Metaverse grows, virtual spaces like virtual reality platforms, online games, and digital marketplaces (e.g., Decentraland, Roblox) are becoming more popular. A trademark can help protect your brand from being used by others in these digital environments.
  2. Preempting Competitors:
    • Filing early for a Metaverse-specific trademark can help secure exclusive rights to your brand name, logo, or product in virtual spaces before competitors do.
  3. Expansion of Your Business:
    • If you plan to offer virtual goods, services, or experiences (like NFTs, virtual real estate, or digital products), trademarking your brand in the Metaverse ensures your intellectual property is protected across both physical and virtual realms.
  4. Legal Protection:
    • Trademarking your brand in the Metaverse can help you enforce your rights against infringement, counterfeiting, or unauthorized use in virtual worlds and online platforms.

Considerations Before Filing:

  1. Lack of Clear Regulations:
    • The Metaverse is still evolving, and legal frameworks for intellectual property in virtual environments are not fully established in many jurisdictions. Trademark laws may not directly apply to the Metaverse in the same way they do in the physical world.
  2. Jurisdictional Issues:
    • Trademarks are typically territorial, meaning a registration in one country may not protect your brand in the virtual world across all platforms or in different countries. You may need to consider registering in multiple jurisdictions or platforms.
  3. No Guarantee of Success:
    • The digital landscape is fast-moving, and what’s popular today in the Metaverse may not be as relevant tomorrow. Carefully assess if your brand will have a lasting presence in virtual spaces before committing to trademark registration.

The USPTO has included these types of goods and services in its trademark identification manual for ten years.

Examples OF CLASSES:

Class 35: “Retail store services featuring virtual goods, namely, {specify type,

e.g. clothing} for use in online virtual worlds”

Class 9: “Downloadable virtual goods, namely, computer programs featuring

{specify nature, type, e.g. articles of clothing} for use in online virtual worlds”

Class 42: “Computer programming services, namely, content creation for virtual worlds and three dimensional platforms”

Class 42 : “Programming virtual {indicate type, e.g., articles of clothing, food} for use in online virtual worlds”



Filing for NFT trademark registrations can be a good strategy for protecting your intellectual property in the rapidly growing space of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). However, whether or not you should file depends on your business objectives and how you intend to use NFTs in the marketplace. Here are key factors to consider:

Reasons to Consider Filing for an NFT Trademark:

  1. Protecting Brand Identity in the Digital Space:
    • As NFTs become more popular for digital art, collectibles, and other virtual assets, registering a trademark can protect your brand name, logo, or other identifiers in the NFT marketplace. This helps prevent others from using your intellectual property without permission.
  2. Establishing Ownership of Digital Assets:
    • If you create and sell NFTs (e.g., digital art, music, videos, or virtual goods), a trademark can protect the unique branding behind those NFTs, ensuring that your brand remains distinct and recognizable in the digital space.
  3. Preventing Infringement:
    • Trademarking your NFT-related assets can help you enforce your rights and combat counterfeiting, unauthorized use, or infringement. This is particularly important in the NFT market, where imitation and fraud are common issues.
  4. Building Trust and Recognition:
    • Having a registered trademark for your NFT brand can instill confidence in buyers and collectors, showing that your NFTs are legitimate and that you hold exclusive rights over your digital creations.
  5. Expanding to Other Digital and Physical Products:
    • If you plan to expand your brand beyond NFTs to physical products, merchandise, or other digital experiences (like virtual worlds or metaverse spaces), a trademark can provide broader protection across both physical and virtual realms.

Examples (Source: USPTO)

Class 9: Downloadable music files authenticated by NFTs

Class 9: Downloadable multimedia files containing artwork relating to

{indicate field or subject matter of file} authenticated by NFTs

Class 9: Downloadable video recordings featuring {specify subject matter, e.g., sports highlights, movie clips, memes, etc.} authenticated by NFTs

Filing for NFT domain names can be a good idea if you plan to create a strong online presence within the NFT space or use the domain for business purposes, such as selling or promoting NFTs, building a digital marketplace, or establishing a virtual brand.

However, whether you should file depends on your long-term goals. If you want to secure a unique and recognizable domain that is directly related to NFTs (e.g., yourbrand.nft), it can help protect your digital identity and ensure you have control over your online assets.

Keep in mind that domain names do not automatically grant intellectual property rights over your brand or NFT content. It’s also important to check whether the domain is available and consider potential trademark issues.


Types of License Agreements in the Metaverse

Smart Contract / NFT Terms – NFT license agreements are created to protect the NFTs creator’s rights.


  • Only Allows Personal and Non-Commercial Use
  • Allows Personal Commercial Use

Hybrid Model: This type of license allows personal and limited commercial use.